Tattoo DNA Gold 修護系列 極致刺青紋身修護組合
NT$700Tattoo DNA GOLD Aftercare
針對刺青紋身皮膚所研發,可舒緩刺青紋身肌膚不適感, 有效保濕且好吸收不粘膩,含維他命B5、蘆薈、玻尿酸及復活草萃取成份等天然配方有效幫助刺青紋身修護,同時保護刺青紋身顏色。
Tattoo DNA GOLD Aftercare
was developed for tattooed skin. It relieves the pain and is highly absorbent, refreshing and not sticky.
It contains vitamin B5, aloevera, hyaluronic acid, anastatica hierochuntica extract, etc. It helps the recovery of tattoos and can also be used as color care for old tattoos.